Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Turn!

Welcome to our new blog! I've enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs, so thought we could try it out. We'll see!

This weekend has been great, as we have been outside swimming, playing, and eating as much as we can! The water is a tad chilly for my taste, but it didn't stop Tom, Mary Stuart, and Molly from getting wet head-to-toe. It's been fun to see the girls in the water. Mary Stuart can touch the shallow end, so her confidence is much better, and she even went off the diving board! Molly is hell on wheels!!! She runs around, jumping to Daddy and jumping off the diving board. She DOES NOT want help from anyone. She's gone head-under a few times and it doesn't even faze her.

1 comment:

em and her boys said...

I love it, Jenny! Keep the posts coming! I always get excited when you send pictures of the girls - now will be even better to get the story behind the pics.

I hope we get to chat soon. I'd love the details from the wedding - so glad it was a perfect night!

love, em