Saturday, July 19, 2008

From The Mouths of Babes

I just put Mary Stuart down to sleep. She got upset because she wanted her Bitty Baby (which is a baby version of an American Doll, and is very realistic). Mary Stuart loves her "Bitty".
Here is our conversation about Bitty:

Mary Stuart: "Mommmy, where is Bitty? I want to go find her."
Mommy: "Well, Mary Stuart, I will find her and bring her to you tonight"
Mary Stuart, increasingly frustrated: "No, I want to find her now"
We banter back and forth
Mommy: "If you are so worried about Bitty, you should keep up with her and put her in your bed when you are done playing with her"
Mary Stuart: "But I want her"
Mommy: "Sorry"
MS: "YOU are a bitty!"

I thought I would roll on the floor. That was a hoot!

1 comment:

em and her boys said...


I just read it out loud to mom! Thanks for calling today - it always makes me happy to get to chat with you! And it reminded me to check your blog. I LOVE the post with all the July 3rd and 4th pics. That is a great family picture - you should make that your new profile pic on FB!!
