Monday, May 26, 2008

Visit to Raleigh

We had a great time in Raleigh last weekend! Mary Stuart and I hit the road together and stayed with Jaime and her daughter, Peyton, who is just 4 months younger than Mary Stuart. The main reason for going to Raleigh was my dear friend, Megan, was getting married (the wedding was fabulous, and it was a perfect night by her parent's pool).

Anyways, Saturday we went to a museum there called Marbles. It was a fun time, followed by some time strolling through downtown and exploring Artslosure, a festival downtown. We had a great time and loved seeing my old friends! Congrats Meg and Jeremy :)


Eric said...

Congrats and welcome to nerd-dom.

Unknown said...

Jenny- you are so way hip- I'm super proud of your "mad skills"! So glad you were with us at the wedding- I'll send you some pics with hopes that one day I will be a "superstar" :)

BTW- the girls are more adorable every day and please tell Tom his is looking mighty fine!


Megan Morgan :)

The Brown Family said...

I am so excited! Maggie loves looking at the pics too of her cousins!!

The Brock Family said...

jenny, i'm glad that i can keep up to date with your family on the net. check out my little guy when you get a chance. tell tom hey and i can't wait to see you guys soon. love, sarah