Sunday, October 5, 2008

Trying, yet funny, times.

I have no pictures yet, but I did want to post about the "emotional" side of the weekend.
We went to Davidson for the Fall Festival...Of course, my camera lost it's charge, so I borrowed my mother-in-law's camera. So we will post pictures from that as soom as possible
I have previously posted "out of the mouths of babes" comments before. We had a doozie tonight. This is no slight to either daughter...Molly just isn't as verbal. So when Mary Stuart has funny things to say, and she has plenty, some are post-worthy.
Tonight, she was playing with an old loveseat from my great-great-aunt. It just got recovered and I tried to explain to Mary Stuart to NOT play on it.
Our conversation,
Me: Mary Stuart, please do not play with this chair. It has been in my family for a long time and it's really special to me. I need you to take care of it for me. See the new fabric??? It's so nice. Let's look after it, okay?

MS, eyes squarely on me: "I am going to break it"

Hmmm, what do you say to that...

I enlisted Tom's help at this point. She went to her room, Tom scolded her, and then she called Tom a "big elephant". When I heard this, I was in stiches with laughter, hiding it, of course. Tom told MS I was crying, so I went to my room, let it all out(laughter), and by the time I returned, Mary Stuart was so upset with the thought of ME crying, she cried. I began crying, and she said, "Mommy, don't put your tears on my pajamas or they will be dirty."
Oh, me. What are we in for with our girls???
On the fun side, Mary Stuart and Molly really are playing well together. Mary Stuart includes Molly in all aspects of her pretend play. I love watching them play together. Cooperative play is something you see in three-year-olds, but Mary Stuart has definitely brought it out in Molly at an early age. It is remarkable to watch. Mary Stuart works really hard on being a great big sister. She is my second-hand most days, and Molly loves it.
Well, that's our latest. I will post actual pictures soon!


The Brock Family said...

Gosh, your girls are too funny! I can't wait to hang with them this weekend!

Brooklyn's Blog said...

OMG, HILARIOUS!!!! Those phrases are priceless. Where, oh where, does she come up with them???? Thanks for sharing!! xoxo, Brooke

jenny said...

It's called outsmarting your parents, and we are preparing ourselves!